Explore our modeling examples for the Gurobi Python API
Linear regression was invented at the beginning of the 19th century and today, after more than 200 years, it is still used extensively in practical applications for description and prediction purposes:
In general, linear regression is used to model the relationship between a continuous variable and other explanatory variables, which can be either continuous or categorical. When applying this technique, finding the subset of features that maximizes its perfomance is often of interest.
This modeling example is at the intermediate level, where we assume that you know Python and are familiar with the Gurobi Python API. In addition, you should have some knowledge about building mathematical optimization models.
A Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) formulation that finds the weight estimates for a linear regression problem, where exactly ‘s’ of those weights must be nonzero.
It is shown that, unlike the Lasso, L0-Regression is scale invariant and does not add bias to the weight estimates. Furthermore, this approach is amenable to the specification of additional linear constraints, such as:
Bertsimas et. al. (2016) successfully applied mathematical programming to solve the best-subset-selection problem for linear regression.
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