
Application Phenomenon Nonlinearity
Finance Risk quadratic (convex)
Truss topology Physical Forces quadratic (convex)
Pooling (petrochemical, mining, agriculture) Mixing Products quadratic nonconvex
electricity distribution (ACOPF) Alternating Current \(\sin\) and \(\cos\) (can be made quadratic)
machine learning logistic function, \(\tanh\)
chemical engineering Chemical Reactions anything
mechanical enginering design Equations of Motion ratios, angles, derivatives

With Gurobi 12 you can …

  • Leverage MIP technology to solve your NLPs to global optimality
  • Extend your discrete decision making problems with nonlinearities

… all without leaving your Pythonic armchair!

Mathematical Form

In general, we aim to solve the following problem form:

\[ \begin{aligned} & \min f(x)\\ & \text{s.t:}\\ & g_i(x) \le 0, i = 1,\ldots, m \\ & x_j \in \mathbb Z, j \in J\\ & l \le x \le u \end{aligned} \]

  • \(f(x)\), \(g_i(x)\) given in closed form (not via callbacks)
  • Mix of integer, binary, and continuous variables
  • Bounded search space


  • High level modelling class, analogous to LinExpr, QuadExpr
  • Constructed by arithmetic operations with other objects, or through nonlinear functions
import gurobipy as gp

env = gp.Env()
model = gp.Model(env=env)

x = model.addVar(name="x")
y = model.addVar(name="y")

Linear expressions

x + 3.0 * y
<gurobi.LinExpr: x + 3.0 y>

Quadratic expressions

x * y + 2.0 * y
<gurobi.QuadExpr: 2.0 y + [ x * y ]>

Nonlinear expressions

x / y + 2*y
<gurobi.NLExpr: x / y + 2.0 * y>

Expression Types

gurobipy automatically promotes expressions to NLExpr whenever it is necessary to store them.

import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB

env = gp.Env()
model = gp.Model(env=env)
x = model.addVar(name="x")
y = model.addVar(name="y")
z = model.addVar(name="z")
2 * x                    # Linear expressions stored as LinExpr
<gurobi.LinExpr: 2.0 x>
2 * x * y                # Quadratic expressions stored as QuadExpr
<gurobi.QuadExpr: 0.0 + [ 2.0 x * y ]>
2 * x * y * z            # Higher degree polynomials promoted to NLExpr
<gurobi.NLExpr: 2.0 * x * y * z>
2 * x * y / (x + y)      # Division by non-constant: NLExpr
<gurobi.NLExpr: (2.0 * x * y) / (x + y)>

Supported Operations

Any Python operator:

  • add: +
  • subtract: -
  • multiply: *
  • divide: /
  • power: **

On any combination of types:

  • Constant
  • Var
  • LinExpr
  • QuadExpr
  • NLExpr
((2 ** x) + y / z) / (x * y - 2.0)
<gurobi.NLExpr: (2.0 ** x + y / z) / (-2.0 + x * y)>

Supported Functions

Nonlinear functions live in the nlfunc module:

  • sin
  • cos
  • tan
  • exp
  • sqrt
  • log
  • log2
  • log10
  • logistic
  • square

The result of an nlfunc is always a nonlinear expression.

from gurobipy import nlfunc

<gurobi.NLExpr: sin(x)>
nlfunc.sin(x + y)
<gurobi.NLExpr: sin(x + y)>
nlfunc.log(nlfunc.sqrt(x)) + y / z
<gurobi.NLExpr: log(sqrt(x)) + y / z>

Matrix-friendly objects

MNLExpr is to NLExpr as MLinExpr is to LinExpr

X = model.addMVar((2, 3), name="X")
Y = model.addMVar((3,), name="X")

Follows numpy broadcasting rules:

X / Y
<MNLExpr (2, 3)>
array([[ X[0,0] / X[0],  X[0,1] / X[1],  X[0,2] / X[2]],
       [ X[1,0] / X[0],  X[1,1] / X[1],  X[1,2] / X[2]]])

Nonlinear functions are applied element-wise:

<MNLExpr (2, 3)>
array([[ exp(X[0,0]),  exp(X[0,1]),  exp(X[0,2])],
       [ exp(X[1,0]),  exp(X[1,1]),  exp(X[1,2])]])

Nonlinear constraints are general constraints

In Gurobi, nonlinear constraints are implemented as general constraints. They always take the form

\[ y = f(x) \]

with \(y\) being the resultant variable, and \(x\) being the argument variables.

To add a nonlinear inequality constraint \(l \le f(x) \le u\) do: \[ y = f(x), \; l \le y \le u \]

To minimize a nonlinear function do: \[ \min y \quad \text{s.t.} \; y = f(x), \; -\infty \le y \le \infty \]


\[ \begin{aligned} & \min && -32.174 (\\ & && 255 \log\left(\frac{0.03 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4}{0.03 + 0.09 x_2 + x_3 + x_4}\right) +\\ & && 280 \log\left(\frac{0.03 + x_3 + x_4}{0.03 + 0.07 x_3 + x_4}\right) +\\ & && 290 \log\left(\frac{0.03 + x_4}{0.03 + 0.13 x_4}\right)\\ & && )\\ & \text{s.t.} && 20 (x_2 + x_3 + x_4 - 1)^2 = 0\\ & && x_2, x_3, x_4 \ge 0\\ \end{aligned} \]

# Add variables to a new model
model = gp.Model(env=env)
x2 = model.addVar(name="x2", lb=0.0)
x3 = model.addVar(name="x3", lb=0.0)
x4 = model.addVar(name="x4", lb=0.0)

Objective Function

\[ \begin{aligned} & \min && -32.174 (\\ & && 255 \log\left(\frac{0.03 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4}{0.03 + 0.09 x_2 + x_3 + x_4}\right) +\\ & && 280 \log\left(\frac{0.03 + x_3 + x_4}{0.03 + 0.07 x_3 + x_4}\right) +\\ & && 290 \log\left(\frac{0.03 + x_4}{0.03 + 0.13 x_4}\right)\\ & && )\\ \end{aligned} \]

Introduce an unbounded variable to model the objective using a constraint:

objvar = model.addVar(lb=-float('inf'), name="objvar")
nle = -32.174 * (
    255 * nlfunc.log((0.03 + x2 + x3 + x4) / (0.03 + 0.09 * x2 + x3 + x4))
    + 280 * nlfunc.log((0.03 + x3 + x4) / (0.03 + 0.07 * x3 + x4))
    + 290 * nlfunc.log((0.03 + x4) / (0.03 + 0.13 * x4))
model.addGenConstrNL(objvar, nle)
model.setObjective(objvar, sense=GRB.MINIMIZE)


Introduce a fixed variable to model \(f(x) = c\)

\[ \begin{aligned} & \text{s.t.} && 20 (x_2 + x_3 + x_4 - 1)^2 = 0\\ \end{aligned} \]

resvar = model.addVar(lb=0, ub=0, name="resvar")
nle = 20 * nlfunc.square((-1) + x2 + x3 + x4)
model.addGenConstrNL(resvar, nle)


This could also be written directly as a quadratic constraint (recommended).

model.addConstr(((-1) + x2 + x3 + x4) ** 2 == 0)

Gurobi will handle either form via presolve reductions.

LP File Format

  • Use LP file format to inspect models when necessary
  • Internally, nonlinear expressions are expression trees
  • Readable form expressions are shown as a comment
\ LP format - for model browsing. Use MPS format to capture full model detail.
  0 x2 + 0 x3 + 0 x4 + objvar + 0 resvar
Subject To
 objvar free
 resvar = 0
General Constraints
\ objvar = -32.174 * (((255 * log((0.03 + x2 + x3 + x4) / (0.03 + (0.09 * 
\ x2) + x3 + x4))) + (280 * log((0.03 + x3 + x4) / (0.03 + (0.07 * x3) + 
\ x4)))) + (290 * log((0.03 + x4) / (0.03 + (0.13 * x4)))))
 GC0: objvar = NL : ( MULTIPLY , -1 , -1 ) ( CONSTANT , -32.174 , 0 ) 
  ( PLUS , -1 , 0 ) ( PLUS , -1 , 2 ) ( MULTIPLY , -1 , 3 ) 
  ( CONSTANT , 255 , 4 ) ( LOG , -1 , 4 ) ( DIVIDE , -1 , 6 ) 
  ( PLUS , -1 , 7 ) ( CONSTANT , 0.03 , 8 ) ( VARIABLE , x2 , 8 ) 
  ( VARIABLE , x3 , 8 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 8 ) ( PLUS , -1 , 7 ) 
  ( CONSTANT , 0.03 , 13 ) ( MULTIPLY , -1 , 13 ) ( CONSTANT , 0.09 , 15 ) 
  ( VARIABLE , x2 , 15 ) ( VARIABLE , x3 , 13 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 13 ) 
  ( MULTIPLY , -1 , 3 ) ( CONSTANT , 280 , 20 ) ( LOG , -1 , 20 ) 
  ( DIVIDE , -1 , 22 ) ( PLUS , -1 , 23 ) ( CONSTANT , 0.03 , 24 ) 
  ( VARIABLE , x3 , 24 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 24 ) ( PLUS , -1 , 23 ) 
  ( CONSTANT , 0.03 , 28 ) ( MULTIPLY , -1 , 28 ) ( CONSTANT , 0.07 , 30 ) 
  ( VARIABLE , x3 , 30 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 28 ) ( MULTIPLY , -1 , 2 ) 
  ( CONSTANT , 290 , 34 ) ( LOG , -1 , 34 ) ( DIVIDE , -1 , 36 ) 
  ( PLUS , -1 , 37 ) ( CONSTANT , 0.03 , 38 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 38 ) 
  ( PLUS , -1 , 37 ) ( CONSTANT , 0.03 , 41 ) ( MULTIPLY , -1 , 41 ) 
  ( CONSTANT , 0.13 , 43 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 43 )
\ resvar = 20 * sqr(-1 + x2 + x3 + x4)
 GC1: resvar = NL : ( MULTIPLY , -1 , -1 ) ( CONSTANT , 20 , 0 ) 
  ( SQUARE , -1 , 0 ) ( PLUS , -1 , 2 ) ( CONSTANT , -1 , 3 ) 
  ( VARIABLE , x2 , 3 ) ( VARIABLE , x3 , 3 ) ( VARIABLE , x4 , 3 )

Solver Log

Optimize a model with 0 rows, 5 columns and 0 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x4a8801ad
Model has 2 general nonlinear constraints (7 nonlinear terms)
Variable types: 5 continuous, 0 integer (0 binary)
Added 15 variables to disaggregate expressions.
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 83 rows, 27 columns, 165 nonzeros
Presolved model has 12 bilinear constraint(s)
Presolved model has 6 nonlinear constraint(s)

You can model NL expressions naturally in gurobipy. Presolve will transform them to suit Gurobi.

Warning: Model contains variables with very large bounds participating
         in nonlinear terms.
         Presolve was not able to compute smaller bounds for these variables.
         Consider bounding these variables or reformulating the model.


Mind the warnings! Bounds are always advisable in MINLP.

Branch and Bound Log

Solving non-convex MINLP

Variable types: 27 continuous, 0 integer (0 binary)

Root relaxation: objective -7.354055e+04, 25 iterations, 0.00 seconds (0.00 work units)

    Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
 Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time

     0     0 -73540.546    0   14          - -73540.546      -     -    0s
     0     0 -68838.434    0   11          - -68838.434      -     -    0s
     0     0 -56834.224    0   15          - -56834.224      -     -    0s
H    0     0                    -26272.51449 -56834.224   116%     -    0s
     0     2 -56834.224    0   15 -26272.514 -56834.224   116%     -    0s

Explored 597 nodes (1851 simplex iterations) in 0.04 seconds (0.02 work units)
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective -2.627251448732e+04, best bound -2.627276807630e+04, gap 0.0010%

Compound Gear Train Design

  • Design a compound gear train with a gear ratio of \(6.931\)
  • Each gear must have between 12 and 60 teeth
  • Driveshafts and gear body must not interfere

Equations of Motion

Relate velocities at gear pitch diameter:

\[ \begin{aligned} \omega_d T_d & = - \omega_a T_a & \\ \omega_b T_b & = - \omega_f T_f & \\ \omega_a & = \omega_b \\ \end{aligned} \]

Find the compound gear ratio:

\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{\omega_d}{\omega_f} & = \frac{\omega_a T_a}{-T_d} \frac{-T_f}{\omega_b T_b} \\ & = \frac{T_f T_a}{T_b T_d} = 6.931 \\ \end{aligned} \]

This is a nonlinear relationship in our integer design variables

Physical Design Restrictions

Model each gear by its number of teeth

  • Integer variables, bounded in \([12, 60]\)

Add gear diameter restrictions to avoid collisions

\[ T_a \le T_b + T_f \]

gurobipy model

gears = ["d", "a", "b", "f"]
min_teeth = 12
max_teeth = 60
target_ratio = 6.931

model = gp.Model(env=env)

T = model.addVars(
    lb=min_teeth, ub=max_teeth,

gear_ratio = (T["f"] * T["a"]) / (T["b"] * T["d"])  # NLExpr

z = model.addVar()
model.addGenConstrNL(z, (gear_ratio - target_ratio) ** 2)
model.setObjective(z, sense=GRB.MINIMIZE)

model.addConstr(T["a"] <= T["b"] + T["f"])

Global Optimization: Find Multiple Designs

model.Params.PoolSolutions = 20  # Find 20 solutions
model.Params.PoolSearchMode = 2  # Find the 20 best solutions

Added 4 variables to disaggregate expressions.
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 16 rows, 10 columns, 44 nonzeros
Presolved model has 4 bilinear constraint(s)
Explored 37728 nodes (86875 simplex iterations) in 0.20 seconds (0.05 work units)
Thread count was 11 (of 11 available processors)

Solution count 20: 6.23269e-09 6.23269e-09 6.23269e-09 ... 2.29353e-07
No other solutions better than 2.29353e-07
  • The objective here is squared error
  • We have 20 solutions with the correct gear ratio to 3 decimal places


ACOPF: Power Flow Equations

Power system modelled as a connected network with:

  • Generators (supply nodes)
  • Loads (demand nodes)
  • Intermediate buses
  • Power flows following laws of physics

\[ P_i = v_i \sum_{j=1}^N v_j \left( G_{ij} \cos(\theta_i - \theta_j) + B_{ij} \sin(\theta_i - \theta_j) \right) \]

\[ Q_i = v_i \sum_{j=1}^N v_j \left( G_{ij} \sin(\theta_i - \theta_j) + B_{ij} \cos(\theta_i - \theta_j) \right) \]

Matrix Variables

import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB
from gurobipy import nlfunc

env = gp.Env()
model = gp.Model("OptimalPowerFlow", env=env)

P = model.addMVar(N, name="P", lb=P_lb, ub=P_ub)  # Real power for buses
Q = model.addMVar(N, name="Q", lb=Q_lb, ub=Q_ub)  # Reactive power for buses
v = model.addMVar(N, name="v", lb=v_lb, ub=v_ub)  # Voltage magnitude at buses

# Voltage angle at buses
theta = model.addMVar(N, name="theta", lb=theta_lb, ub=theta_ub).reshape(N, 1)
theta - theta.T
<MLinExpr (4, 4)>
array([[ theta[0] + -1.0 theta[0],  theta[0] + -1.0 theta[1],
         theta[0] + -1.0 theta[2],  theta[0] + -1.0 theta[3]],
       [ theta[1] + -1.0 theta[0],  theta[1] + -1.0 theta[1],
         theta[1] + -1.0 theta[2],  theta[1] + -1.0 theta[3]],
       [ theta[2] + -1.0 theta[0],  theta[2] + -1.0 theta[1],
         theta[2] + -1.0 theta[2],  theta[2] + -1.0 theta[3]],
       [ theta[3] + -1.0 theta[0],  theta[3] + -1.0 theta[1],
         theta[3] + -1.0 theta[2],  theta[3] + -1.0 theta[3]]])

Power Balance Equations

\[ G_{ij} \cos(\theta_i - \theta_j) \]

G * nlfunc.cos(theta - theta.T)
<MNLExpr (4, 4)>
array([[ 1.7647 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[0]),
         -0.5882 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[1]),
         0.0 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[2]),
         -1.1765 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[3])],
       [ -0.5882 * cos(theta[1] + -1.0 * theta[0]),
         1.5611 * cos(theta[1] + -1.0 * theta[1]),
         -0.3846 * cos(theta[1] + -1.0 * theta[2]),
         -0.5882 * cos(theta[1] + -1.0 * theta[3])],
       [ 0.0 * cos(theta[2] + -1.0 * theta[0]),
         -0.3846 * cos(theta[2] + -1.0 * theta[1]),
         1.5611 * cos(theta[2] + -1.0 * theta[2]),
         -1.1765 * cos(theta[2] + -1.0 * theta[3])],
       [ -1.1765 * cos(theta[3] + -1.0 * theta[0]),
         -0.5882 * cos(theta[3] + -1.0 * theta[1]),
         -1.1765 * cos(theta[3] + -1.0 * theta[2]),
         2.9412 * cos(theta[3] + -1.0 * theta[3])]])

Power Balance Equations

\[ \sum_{j=1}^N v_j G_{ij} \cos(\theta_i - \theta_j) \]

nle = (G * nlfunc.cos(theta - theta.T)) @ v
1.7647 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[0]) * v[0] + -0.5882 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[1]) * v[1] + 0.0 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[2]) * v[2] + -1.1765 * cos(theta[0] + -1.0 * theta[3]) * v[3]

\[ P_i = v_i \sum_{j=1}^N v_j \left( G_{ij} \cos(\theta_i - \theta_j) + B_{ij} \sin(\theta_i - \theta_j) \right) \]

constr_P = model.addGenConstrNL(
    v * ((G * nlfunc.cos(theta - theta.T) + B * nlfunc.sin(theta - theta.T)) @ v),

Single call adds power balance constraints for the entire network!