Gurobi Optimization

Seminars in Operations Research, ULisboa

Mario Ruthmair
Optimization Engineer


  1. What is Gurobi?
  2. Customer Case Studies
  3. Modeling Example: Facility Location

What is Gurobi?

  • Founded in 2008 by Bob Bixby, Zonghao Gu, Ed Rothberg
  • Solver for mathematical optimization problems
  • Additional products around the solver:
    • Gurobi Compute Server + Cluster Manager
    • Gurobi Cloud
    • Several model building and analysis tools

Gurobi is the Engine

  • Gurobi is a generic math optimization solver
  • No application-specific interfaces, no GUI !
  • Partner companies or customers build the car around it

Which models can be solved by Gurobi?

  • Linear Programs (LPs): \[ \begin{align*} \min~ c' x & \\ A x & = b \end{align*} \]

  • Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILPs): \[ \begin{align*} \min~ c' x + d' y & \\ A x + D y & = b\\ y & \quad \mathrm{integer} \end{align*} \]

  • Mixed-Integer Quadratically-Constrained Quadratic Programs (MIQCQPs), convex or non-convex: \[ \begin{align*} \min~ c' x + d' y + x' Q x + y' P y & \\ A x + Dy + x' R x + y' T y & = b\\ y & \quad \mathrm{integer} \end{align*} \]

  • Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Non-Convex Programs (MINLPs): \[ \begin{align*} \min~ f(x) + d(y) & \\ g(x) + h(y) & = 0\\ y & \quad \mathrm{integer} \end{align*} \]

How to use Gurobi?

  • Programming language APIs for Python, C, C++, Java, C#, R, Matlab
  • Additional Python packages:
  • Links to standard modeling languages: AIMMS, AMPL, GAMS, MPL
  • Third-party frameworks (not officially supported by Gurobi): Pyomo, PuLP, JuMP (Julia), Google OR-Tools, etc.

What do you need to use Gurobi efficiently?

  • Understanding of business problem to solve
  • Advanced modeling skills
  • Intermediate programming skills


You need to be an OR + Math + IT expert :)

Experts Team

We help commercial customers with:

  • Installation, licensing
  • Usage, programming APIs
  • Modeling hints and guidelines
  • Numerical issues
  • Model tuning (tweak solver parameters)
  • IT support for Compute Server, Cloud

Who are our customers?

  • Used by 2,500+ companies in 40+ industries
  • 60+ customer case studies on our website

National Football League (NFL)

  • Create game schedule for the whole season
  • From boards to computers
  • Many complicated constraints:
    • broadcast time slots and rights
    • free-agents
    • away-game limitations
  • Decomposition and parallelization approach

Air France

  • Tail assignment problem:
    • assigning sequence of flights to each individual aircraft
    • while respecting operational constraints
    • multiple objectives: fleet utilization, on-time performance, fuel consumption, operational costs, perferential assignments
  • Schedules are re-built every day (disruptions, etc.)
  • Short-haul and medium-haul fleets are more difficult to schedule than long-haul fleet


  • Optimizing seasonal farm field operations
  • Path Planner to find route covering the whole field
  • Minimize time, distance, fuel consumption
  • Avoid overlaps and obstacles
  • Headland management: boundaries, turnrow

Supply Chain Optimization

Challenges and Optimization Problems

  • Network Design:
    • Location of production facilities and distribution centers
    • Transportation networks and routes
    • Minimize transportation costs but ensure customer service levels
  • Inventory Management:
    • Inventory levels and replenishment policies
    • Minimize inventory holding costs but ensure products are available when needed
  • Production planning:
    • Production schedules and workforce allocation
    • Maximize production efficiency and minimize costs

Supply Chain Optimization

Challenges and Optimization Problems

  • Supplier selection:
    • Supplier selection and contracting decisions
    • Minimize costs but ensure quality and delivery performance
  • Demand forecasting:
    • Demand volatility: Fluctuations in customer demand make it difficult to forecast and plan inventory levels
    • Shifts in demands lead to overstocking or stockouts impacting customer satisfaction

Multiple Objectives

Real-world optimization problems often have multiple, competing objectives

Maximize Profit


Minimize Late Orders

Minimize Shift Count


Maximize Worker Satisfaction

Minimize Cost


Maximize Product Durability

Maximize Profit


Minimize Risk

How does Gurobi handle the trade-offs?

  • Weighted or Blended: Optimize a weighted combination of the individual objectives
flowchart LR
    id1[Obj 1] --- id2[Obj 2] --- id3[Obj 3]

\[\min_{x \in C} w_1 f_1(x) + w_2 f_2(x) + w_3 f_3(x) \]

  • Hierarchical or Lexicographical: Optimize each objective in a given priority order while limiting the degradation of the higher-priority objectives
flowchart TD
    id1[Obj 1] --> id2[Obj 2] --> id3[Obj 3]

\[ \begin{align*} \min_{x \in C} & ~f_1(x) \\ \end{align*} \]

\[ \begin{align*} \min_{x \in C} & ~f_2(x) \\ & ~f_1(x) \leq \epsilon_1 \end{align*} \]

\[ \begin{align*} \min_{x \in C} & ~f_3(x) \\ & ~f_1(x) \leq \epsilon_1 \\ & ~f_2(x) \leq \epsilon_2 \end{align*} \]

  • Weighted + Hierarchical: Combine both approaches
  • Gurobi does not offer methods to compute the Pareto front (so far)

  • Audi needs to solve logistics and scheduling problems for car assembly:
    • complex automotive parts with many options
    • limited space in the assembly line
  • Previously, 3-week manual planning process
  • Now, with math optimization they have a one-click solution
  • Still, very challenging huge-scale MILPs (millions of variables and constraints)

  • ARAUCO is a wood pulp, engineered wood, and forestry company
  • Network of over 4300 customers
  • Aleph5 decision support system integrates Gurobi
  • Balance raw material supply and forecasted demand
  • Tradeoffs between multiple objectives:
    • minimize operating costs
    • maximize revenue growth
    • maximize demand fulfillment (customer satisfaction levels)
    • maximize resource utilization ​

  • Polymathian is a consulting company that
    • performs rapid what-if analyses
    • explores multiple scenarios
    • assesses how decisions will affect business objectives
  • Large-scale business problems across a 30-year time horizon involving millions of variables and constraints
  • A supply chain decision support tool allows their customers to
    • evaluate tradeoffs
    • identify strategic risks and opportunities
    • determine their best courses of action

How to handle challenging models?

  • Modeling phase
    • Clean up input data
    • Understand limited precision numerics, e.g., \(10^{10} + 10^{-10} = 10^{10}\)
    • Understand model strength
      • Tighten variable bounds
      • Reduce Big-M values
    • Reformulate model
  • Solution phase
    • Analyze solver logs
    • Run custom heuristics
    • Analyze model structure
    • Tune solver parameters

Why are advanced modeling skills important?

  • Integer problems can have many formulations for the same set of solutions, which one should you choose?
  • Stronger formulations often lead to better performance, even if the model has more variables and/or constraints
  • Art of Modeling
    • Identify and understand model strength
    • Find additional strong constraints
    • Reformulate model

Example: Facility Location

  • Input data:
    • \(S\): Set of supermarkets
    • \(W\): Set of candidate warehouse locations
    • \(f_{w}\): Fixed cost for building warehouse \(w\)
    • \(c_{ws}\): Cost of supplying supermarket \(s\) from warehouse \(w\)
  • Choose a subset of warehouses to supply all supermarkets, with minimal total building and supply costs
  • Decision Variables:
    • \(y_{w} \in \{0, 1\}\): Build warehouse \(w\) (\(y_w = 1\)) or not (\(y_w = 0\))
    • \(0 \leq x_{ws} \leq 1\): Fraction of demand of supermarket \(s\) served by warehouse \(w\)

Example: Facility Location


  • Objective: Minimize total warehouse building and supply costs \[\text{min} \quad \sum_{w \in W} f_{w} \cdot y_{w} + \sum_{w \in W} \sum_{s \in S} c_{ws} \cdot x_{ws}\]
  • Each supermarket has to be fully supplied, i.e., the sum of fractions received from each warehouse must be equal to 1. \[\sum_{w \in W} x_{ws} = 1 \quad \forall s \in S\]
  • Warehouse \(w\) has to be opened if at least one supermarket is supplied. \[\sum_{s \in S} x_{ws} \leq |S| \cdot y_{w} \quad \forall w \in W\]

Example: Facility Location

Python Code

import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB

# data preparation ...

model = gp.Model("facility_location")
# add variables
x = model.addVars(numWarehouses, numSupermarkets, lb=0, ub=1, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="x")
y = model.addVars(numWarehouses, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y")

# supermarket supply constraints
model.addConstrs((x.sum("*", s) == 1 for s in range(numSupermarkets)), name="Demand")

# warehouse opening and linking constraints
bigM = numSupermarkets
model.addConstrs((x.sum(w, "*") <= bigM * y[w] for w in range(numWarehouses)), name="Open")

# minimize total costs
model.setObjective( +, GRB.MINIMIZE)


Example: Facility Location

200 warehouse locations, 2000 supermarkets

Optimize a model with 2200 rows, 400200 columns and 800200 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x889c7bde
Variable types: 400000 continuous, 200 integer (200 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range     [1e+00, 2e+03]
  Objective range  [1e+00, 4e+03]
  Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
  RHS range        [1e+00, 1e+00]
Found heuristic solution: objective 1657011.0000
Presolve time: 0.89s
Presolved: 2200 rows, 400200 columns, 800200 nonzeros
Variable types: 400000 continuous, 200 integer (200 binary)

Root relaxation: objective 7.496728e+04, 0 iterations, 0.57 seconds (0.48 work units)

    Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
 Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time

H    0     0                    655075.00000 74967.2750  88.6%     -    2s
H    0     0                    653009.00000 74967.2750  88.5%     -    2s
H    0     0                    649303.00000 74967.2750  88.5%     -    2s
H    0     0                    315273.00000 74967.2750  76.2%     -    4s
     0     0 90077.2092    0  189 315273.000 90077.2092  71.4%     -    7s
H    0     0                    309486.00000 113880.544  63.2%     -   12s
     0     0 113880.637    0  199 309486.000 113880.637  63.2%     -   12s
     0     0 113880.637    0  199 309486.000 113880.637  63.2%     -   13s
H    0     0                    288245.00000 113880.637  60.5%     -   14s
     0     0 127672.131    0  198 288245.000 127672.131  55.7%     -   24s
     0     0 141821.354    0  200 288245.000 141821.354  50.8%     -   38s
     0     0 141821.894    0  200 288245.000 141821.894  50.8%     -   38s
H    0     0                    287028.02305 152967.493  46.7%     -   54s
H    0     0                    286382.72460 152967.493  46.6%     -   54s
H    0     0                    284520.36419 152967.493  46.2%     -   54s
H    0     0                    283286.52103 152967.493  46.0%     -   54s
H    0     0                    279335.29108 152967.493  45.2%     -   54s
H    0     0                    278389.32228 152967.493  45.1%     -   54s
H    0     0                    276709.11508 152967.493  44.7%     -   54s
H    0     0                    274845.59080 152967.493  44.3%     -   55s
H    0     0                    272863.07200 152967.493  43.9%     -   55s
H    0     0                    270067.36859 152967.493  43.4%     -   55s
H    0     0                    269215.59182 152967.493  43.2%     -   55s
H    0     0                    267058.50246 152967.493  42.7%     -   55s
H    0     0                    264503.60754 152967.493  42.2%     -   55s
H    0     0                    262566.00000 152967.493  41.7%     -   55s
H    0     0                    260417.00000 152967.493  41.3%     -   55s
H    0     0                    259862.00000 152967.493  41.1%     -   55s
     0     0 152967.493    0  198 259862.000 152967.493  41.1%     -   55s
H    0     0                    247309.00000 164695.350  33.4%     -   77s
     0     0 164695.350    0  200 247309.000 164695.350  33.4%     -   77s
     0     0 164697.220    0  200 247309.000 164697.220  33.4%     -   78s
     0     0 174779.528    0  196 247309.000 174779.528  29.3%     -   97s
H    0     0                    244829.39820 184077.164  24.8%     -  147s
H    0     0                    243771.44447 184077.164  24.5%     -  147s
H    0     0                    241969.66983 184077.164  23.9%     -  147s
H    0     0                    241173.06143 184077.164  23.7%     -  147s
H    0     0                    238695.59670 184077.164  22.9%     -  148s
H    0     0                    238519.36803 184077.164  22.8%     -  148s
H    0     0                    235385.31861 184077.164  21.8%     -  148s
H    0     0                    233305.45931 184077.164  21.1%     -  148s
H    0     0                    230649.58224 184077.164  20.2%     -  148s
H    0     0                    226799.00000 184077.164  18.8%     -  148s
     0     0 184077.164    0  196 226799.000 184077.164  18.8%     -  148s
     0     0 184114.003    0  196 226799.000 184114.003  18.8%     -  149s
     0     0 192114.343    0  194 226799.000 192114.343  15.3%     -  176s
H    0     0                    219877.00000 195184.674  11.2%     -  219s
     0     0 195184.674    0  196 219877.000 195184.674  11.2%     -  219s
     0     0 195926.373    0  196 219877.000 195926.373  10.9%     -  222s
     0     0 196165.395    0  196 219877.000 196165.395  10.8%     -  223s
     0     0 196225.826    0  196 219877.000 196225.826  10.8%     -  225s
     0     0 196225.826    0  196 219877.000 196225.826  10.8%     -  227s
     0     2 196225.826    0  196 219877.000 196225.826  10.8%     -  235s
    23    28 196769.371    7  189 219877.000 196769.371  10.5%  25.9  240s
    63    68 197474.225   17  181 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  19.4  245s
    98   107 198364.408   25  173 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  18.5  250s
   143   155 199324.970   36  162 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  20.1  255s
   183   194 200229.907   47  151 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  21.8  260s
   223   233 201567.765   56  142 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  23.1  266s
   259   271 202726.045   64  134 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  25.0  271s
   298   316 204081.770   72  127 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  27.1  276s
   330   345 206740.858   79  120 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  28.3  280s
   358   380 206797.231   84  115 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  29.6  285s
   404   439 208523.098   94  104 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  30.7  290s
   473   503 210330.037  107   91 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  30.4  296s
   533   541 214736.349  123   72 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  32.7  302s
   561   574 215748.307  129   65 219877.000 197225.191  10.3%  33.9  305s
   644   631     cutoff  168      219877.000 197231.207  10.3%  33.5  312s
   672   651 197448.104    8  188 219877.000 197448.104  10.2%  33.5  315s
   718   697 199094.241   22  176 219877.000 197475.343  10.2%  32.9  321s
H  733   688                    219526.00000 197475.343  10.0%  32.8  321s
   738   710 200028.714   28  170 219526.000 197475.343  10.0%  32.8  325s
H  760   714                    218836.00000 197475.343  9.76%  33.0  329s
H  771   713                    218823.00000 197475.343  9.76%  33.3  329s
   776   734 201927.105   38  159 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  33.4  333s
   797   763 202687.326   42  155 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  33.8  337s
   826   791 203413.089   47  150 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  33.5  341s
   854   816 203917.562   51  147 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  33.6  345s
   879   839 204990.022   60  138 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  34.0  350s
   902   876 207260.562   66  132 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  34.6  355s
   939   911 208445.648   79  119 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  34.7  360s
   974   952 209719.263   88  110 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  35.0  365s
  1015   999 211292.539   95  102 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  35.4  372s
  1063  1000 213064.979   75  196 218823.000 197475.343  9.76%  36.1  399s
* 1064   950              12    215114.00000 215114.000  0.00%  36.0  407s

Explored 1064 nodes (62733 simplex iterations) in 407.36 seconds (209.74 work units)
Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)

Solution count 10: 215114 218823 218836 ... 238519

Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 2.151140000000e+05, best bound 2.151140000000e+05, gap 0.0000%

Example: Facility Location

Model Reformulation

  • Warehouse \(w\) has to be opened if at least one supermarket is supplied. \[\sum_{s \in S} x_{ws} \leq |S| \cdot y_{w} \quad \forall w \in W\]
  • In most solutions, the left-hand side will be much smaller than \(|S| \cdot y_w\)
  • In the LP relaxation, due to the large Big-M value \(|S|\) and since we minimize \(f_w \cdot y_w\), the value for \(y_w\) can be set to a small fractional value
  • Constraint Disaggregation: If any single supermarket is supplied by a warehouse, the warehouse has to be opened. \[x_{ws} \leq y_{w} \quad \forall w \in W, \forall s \in S\]

Example: Facility Location

Python Code

import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB

# data preparation ...

model = gp.Model("facility_location")
# add variables
x = model.addVars(numWarehouses, numSupermarkets, lb=0, ub=1, vtype=GRB.CONTINUOUS, name="x")
y = model.addVars(numWarehouses, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="y")

# supermarket supply constraints
model.addConstrs((x.sum("*", s) == 1 for s in range(numSupermarkets)), name="Demand")

# strong warehouse opening and linking constraints
model.addConstrs((x[w, s] <= y[w] for s in range(numSupermarkets) for w in range(numWarehouses)), name="Open")

# minimize total costs
model.setObjective( +, GRB.MINIMIZE)


Example: Facility Location

Optimize a model with 402000 rows, 400200 columns and 1200000 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0xab88c055
Variable types: 400000 continuous, 200 integer (200 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Objective range  [1e+00, 4e+03]
  Bounds range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
  RHS range        [1e+00, 1e+00]
Found heuristic solution: objective 1657011.0000
Presolve time: 2.35s
Presolved: 402000 rows, 400200 columns, 1200000 nonzeros
Variable types: 400000 continuous, 200 integer (200 binary)
Deterministic concurrent LP optimizer: primal simplex, dual simplex, and barrier
Showing barrier log only...

Root barrier log...

Ordering time: 0.18s

Barrier statistics:
 Dense cols : 200
 AA' NZ     : 8.000e+05
 Factor NZ  : 1.645e+06 (roughly 340 MB of memory)
 Factor Ops : 9.667e+07 (less than 1 second per iteration)
 Threads    : 2

                  Objective                Residual
Iter       Primal          Dual         Primal    Dual     Compl     Time
   0   2.21451667e+07  7.45226501e+05  2.00e+01 2.66e+02  7.12e+01     5s
   1   2.83097541e+06 -7.72382509e+05  2.48e+00 7.53e+01  7.12e+00     6s
   2   6.94893623e+05 -1.44052241e+05  6.66e-15 1.63e-01  7.08e-01     6s
   3   6.19409426e+05  3.44940542e+04  9.10e-15 1.61e-01  4.92e-01     7s
   4   5.64068664e+05  9.87373612e+04  1.38e-14 1.04e-01  3.91e-01     7s
   5   5.49580322e+05  1.16302608e+05  1.33e-14 6.42e-02  3.64e-01     8s
   6   5.25675690e+05  1.29417444e+05  1.60e-14 6.21e-02  3.33e-01     8s
   7   4.94701173e+05  1.38858058e+05  7.55e-15 6.10e-02  2.99e-01     9s
   8   4.45389485e+05  1.76495697e+05  7.55e-15 8.92e-03  2.26e-01    10s
   9   4.01222789e+05  1.97074403e+05  1.34e-14 1.80e-02  1.71e-01    10s
  10   3.72653325e+05  2.05428659e+05  1.43e-14 1.57e-02  1.40e-01    11s
  11   3.45938327e+05  2.09878961e+05  1.19e-14 1.31e-02  1.14e-01    12s
  12   3.15836621e+05  2.11984365e+05  4.77e-15 9.89e-03  8.72e-02    13s
  13   2.95957845e+05  2.13062637e+05  7.55e-15 7.99e-03  6.97e-02    13s
  14   2.79458149e+05  2.13924452e+05  2.55e-14 5.93e-03  5.51e-02    14s

Barrier performed 14 iterations in 13.93 seconds (4.14 work units)
Barrier solve interrupted - model solved by another algorithm

Concurrent spin time: 1.23s (can be avoided by choosing Method=3)

Solved with dual simplex

Root relaxation: objective 2.151140e+05, 13089 iterations, 11.13 seconds (2.90 work units)

    Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
 Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time

*    0     0               0    215114.00000 215114.000  0.00%     -   14s

Explored 1 nodes (13089 simplex iterations) in 14.05 seconds (4.26 work units)
Thread count was 8 (of 8 available processors)

Solution count 2: 215114 1.65701e+06 

Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 2.151140000000e+05, best bound 2.151140000000e+05, gap 0.0000%

General (Nonlinear) Constraints

Python API for Function Constraints

Example: Natural Exponential

\[ \begin{align*} \min ~& -2x + e^x \\ \text{s. t. } ~& 0 \leq x \leq 1 \end{align*} \]

# pip install gurobipy

import gurobipy as gp

model = gp.Model("gen")

x = model.addVar(lb=0, ub=1, name="x")
y = model.addVar(name="y")

# y = exp(x)
gc = model.addGenConstrExp(x, y)

model.setObjective(-2 * x + y)


Piecewise-Linear (PWL) approximation

  • Static:
    • Nonlinear function is PWL-approximated
    • Once before MIP solving starts
  • Cost vs. Accuracy:
    • More accurate PWL \(\rightarrow\) more segments
    • More segments \(\rightarrow\) more difficult to solve
  • Underestimate, overestimate, or somewhere in between?

Outer Approximation + Spatial Branch&Bound

New in Gurobi v11

  • Dynamic: At each branch-and-bound node, the approximation is refined
  • Exact: Produces globally optimal solutions (within tolerances), but can be expensive

Outer Approximation + Spatial Branch&Bound

Academic Program